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With our engineering experience, we aim for the most economical and the fastest applicable solution in a safe and reliable approach. From foundation and seismic assessments through, hydrological and environmental evaluations to structural design; projects require special expertise and a coordinated approach. ERGES’ engineering and design solutions ensure project performance as well as sustained value.

According to the Hydraulic Structures Supervision Services Regulation, published on the official gazette on 12th of May 2015, ERGES was granted Hydraulic Structures Authorized Supervision Service Company License on 01.09.2015 with 015 license number.



Erges Consulting Inc.
Harbiye Mah. Tavuskuşu Cad. No: 25/9 06460 Çankaya/Ankara, TURKEY • T: +90 312 479 26 06 • F: +90 312 479 26 08 • e-mail:

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